Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, the beauty of life is defined in what you put into it. Autumn is where I put in the most work, from schools, to sports, to this music. I swear I have been hype since last year. BTW the work that was put out last year, the material on real beats, that are not of commercial value can be found here;
Check out that album right there to see what this all about, to understand what is to come. I could careless about being a billionaire yet, because the hardest thing I ever had to deal with in life is defeat. I never put the effort into anything because I just would hate to feel like Lebron did last year. That's not being disrespectful, that is honesty. He's a great player, but he wants to win, and so did I. That's not my philosophy anymore, because people love music just like me. It doesn't take this super sophisticated lyrical essence to make movement music. Now that is not to say that anything can past thru, because true hip hop heads want substance. They want to hear something refreshing and new, and be able to zone on the bad days, on the rainy days, on the snowy days, on the AUTUMN DAYS when things slow down and everyone is more home based. I am a big supporter of my fellow peers, and I am not sectioned to any bit, or piece of music. Im not harder core, soft, or party, I am what I am as a writer. Everyone has many aspects of them, so why should i be limited. I have to thank drake a little for that cause he brought that back to reality. We make music for u, but we have to put ourselves in the equation and feel it as u would. Autumn Feeling may have had certain issues with my flow, but it was my first experience doing what I love. It was still classic, because if u listen u can hear that it has awesome value to it. But Awesome Autumn pt 2 is around the corner. Autumn 2 Remember is huge. I'm working, doing what I love, and if for free or not, its what I love. How about you?
Up and Coming music group, interested in making music become good as it once was. Red Ruby Gang!!!!!!!!!! Follow us @ https://twitter.com/RealmatiqMusiqG
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