To sit here and act as if I can't or don't know what turns the soul of our youth cold, I would be lying. People sit around throwing up those three words so freely and never imagine how it really effects the person they throw it to. What is caring? Being there here and there, or when it's eligible for your selfish schedule. Ha, to think as much one person will break their kneck to get around to help another, it never really comes back. I tried to be the happy writer, but then again I am brought back to the constant reminder that was said most elegantly by rapper 50 cent "Show no Love, love will get you killed"! Doesn't mean shot, or stabbed, I mean it could be, but it suggest that it's a deadly flaw of life. Full of loop holes, full of struggle. Full of daring stunts one will pull to run after another to get their attention. For what though? Five minute of "Make Up" cause that's all it truly is MAKE UP! A disguise to get by the moment. Shyt, why not blow a head off when u getting played, why not stab a heart for the bullshyt. The ills on the brain of the youth are ridiculous. I don't fault them fully, I fault the family, the fake ass girl friends, the bytch ass best friends, the countless promises made that never are paid. We did it to ourselves to create 33 shootings in a city that is suppose to represent love at heart. Fuck that, we represent un-loyalty, injustice, and greed. This is from every hood to fucking royal area in the world. We FUCKED us, and as a Writer it's truly hard to express it thru music because people get edgy with truth. Well fuck your edge, fuck your weak emotions, and the fact you love to live in fantasy. This is the real world. The World in which we can't escape by doing right, but only by death. Warm up to it. So why is a heart cold, next time you fuck that girl and she bounces with no call for weeks only calling back for money, take note. Next time you spill your emotions and they are shot down, left to the curb side accompanied with attitude and disgust, take note! The insanity drives a heart fucking COLD!
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