In a Climate where the belief system is justified by the funds added to pockets, there arent many willing to truly keep up with their dreams. Most falter under the pressure of pointless rhetoric, and doubt from their inner circles. The climate is cold, especially for those who inspire to MC, and be an artist. Then there is Mr. Greenwood, known by the stage name Plymouth da Pheonix. The burden of not finishing off other talents and having success in them, he has made it his business to rise above everything. The talk is no different from his level, its still a brush over, and a yeah ok sure. To Him, we find out its more closely related to his sentiments in Intuitive from his PreAutumn Order 2 "The UnEmployment mixtape. Celebrate the being he is now, because as the train leaves the station its conductor shall remember those who weren't willing to enjoy the ride. From a year ago, we see the artist known as Plymouth da Pheonix go from barely active, to much more active in his accomplishments and movements with music. This year, we see the performances, we hear and see the network processes going on. With the honor of being elected to Phresh n Phamous's Radio Phreshman 2013 by Jay-O a friend that has supported Plymouth since he dropped his first mixtape which was PreAutumn Order, the joys keep growing. Joining the likes of many, we also have to look forward to the Hard Rock Rising challenge, and the current battle for the best 2013 from hot 97, he will be featured in a NU Breedz Magazine this up coming weekend. Links will be provided at a later time, or you can follow him on twitter @Plymouth_da_Pho for more up to date info. As he continues to grow, we see a star develop into a universes sun. Lets enjoy the ride.